Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Crossing The Border

We approached Customs with trepidation. Dee had studied all the rules of what you could carry into Canada, but you never know…..  We did not want to have the entire motor home ransacked as they looked for contraband. I had pared down my supply of MGD to 4 measly cans. I did not bring any firearms. We had all the correct documentation for Jaxon. And on and on. As we approached customs I was on my very best behavior as I addressed the customs official as SIR! Five questions: Where are you from? Where are you going? How long will you be in Canada? Do you have any alcohol? Do you have any firearms? Obviously all the right answers resulted in “Have a great trip”. We always laugh that we must be pretty boring looking folks as we have never had trouble going through customs, even immediately after 9/11 when I was working in Quebec. We breathed a sigh of relief and headed on up the road.
Alberta Entry
Here is the first wildlife we saw in Alberta.. I think it a cross between a kangaroo and a fox terrier…..
Milk River Dinosaur Vistor Centre (2)  
Milk River Dinosaur Vistor Centre (6)
    What do you think?

1 comment:

NateB said...

Haha! I wonder if the border police would act as tough if one of those kangaroo terriers roles up to his drive through window.